
Scarborough Minecraft Recreation in Development

15 February 2017

A digital recreation of the town of Scarborough is being constructed within the confines of popular video game Minecraft for the Coastival festival.


Scarborough Minecraft Recreation


Minecraft, a worldwide gaming phenomenon where players use blocks to build and construct vast environments in a digital world, is home to some truly fascinating creations.

The imagination driven game is now set to house a digital replica of Scarborough, recreating the iconic buildings the town is known for such as the castle, Spa, the Rotunda, lighthouse, Grand Hotel and much more.

The recreation is all being done as a part of ‘Coastival’ – an annual Scarborough set arts festival – which takes place between February 18th and 19th at the Scarborough Spa.

Coastival’s website explains that “You can expect to see artwork, music and performances in unusual locations as we look to break with people’s expectations of a traditional arts festival”.

During the event on Saturday youngsters will be able to take part in the Minecraft recreation in the Spa Grand Hall between the times of 10am and 6pm.


Mincecraft Scarborough recreation


After 10pm the evening session commences where anyone over the age of 14 will be able to join in the fun. The workshop will continue on Sunday from 10am until 4pm where vloggers will be present.

Hosting a series of drop in sessions to help create the project, a children’s computer club named Krash Labs has been running things.

Reported on Yorkshire Coast Radio, the Coastival director Wendy Holroyd said the following about the recreation:

“This has been a tremendous community effort so far and to see the amazing images of Scarborough coming to life in Minecraft has been wonderful.

“We now look forward to it all coming together during the Coastival weekend and seeing Scarborough completed in 3D!”

So if you’re staying at a hotel near Scarborough this weekend, or are just hoping to see the digital town for yourself, make sure to stop on by.

Image Credit: BagoGames    South Bay, Scarborough

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